Something about last night convinced me that Systems Thinking across the managerial sciences will become more prominent in the data field. Dr. Rich Jolly has written a book on this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SK6OSBS and he presented two 30 minute areas with a one hour discussion between each table of people. The event was pretty crowded but people were really friendly and talkative.

I’ve been thinking about the managerial sciences more as my work produces large effects to more than one system. So, as I’m impacting two large systems at a time and let’s say I improve one 5X but it’s only 10% of the overall process. That’s a net gain of 8%. However, if I improve 50% of the process 5X then it’s a net gain of 60%.
I did the math for both of these on a post-it note. You can figure these out for yourself without any type of formula. Once statistics and probability get involved then computers are needed. :]